Monday, June 15, 2009


So, ever since we have moved into our new house (a year ago!) we have talked about how much we hate these shrubs that line our walkway up to our house. Well, Cannon got a bee in his bonnet, and wanted to pull them out. He and Brandon went to the Home Depot and bought a big chain. They hooked the chain up to our Suburban, wrapped it around the shrubs, and pulled them out. They pulled out probably 12 of these beasts. Some of them were really hard to get out. Our neighbor Dennis came over and told them they were cheating. He says they needed more manual labor.... (by the way, I don't know why half of this entry is underlined and the rest isn't...I can't figure it out :) )

Some of these juniper shrubs had really deep roots. Cannon would gun the engine and pull them. Some of them took 3 or 4 good pulls!

Brandon the He Man

This is how we would like our yard to look one day...

Or this....we wouldn't mind if the house looked like this too! CJ and Jackson rode their scooters around the neighborhood one afternoon while I walked and we we took pictures of all of the nice yards to give us ideas. This was one of our favorites!

Stay tuned for our "after" shots!

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