Cannon earned his Master's in Business Administration! He completed an executive MBA program with UC Berkeley and Columbia University. He will receive diplomas from both schools!
The graduation ceremony was February 1st, at UC Berkeley.
This is the bell tower on campus. The view from the top was amazing! It was a beautful the sixties, and lots of sunshine!
Here is the man of the hour in all of his glory! It was a 19 month program, and every 3rd weekend he had classes on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. He would go and stay on campus. Every 5th session he went to New York to Columbia University and classes were held from Wed. through Saturday. I was lucky enough to go with him to New York....twice!!
Cannon really wanted the kids to come to the graduation. Maybe it helped them understand why he had been gone so much!!
Cannon's mom was so proud of her baby!
In May of 2010 Brandon will graduate with a JD/MBA.
Cannon with Aunt Ellie. She is always so supportive. We love her and love it when we get a chance to visit with her!
Holli and I waiting for Cannon to finish "visiting"!
Cannon is all smiles. This is when he was walking back to his seat after walking across the stage to receive his diploma.
The kids loved the graduation cap. Doesn't CJ look so smart with his glasses?
Taylor and Morgan posing in front of the bell tower!
On campus after the graduation.
View of the Golden Gate Bridge from the bell tower on campus at Berkeley.
Go Cannon!!! I am so proud of him!